The Nights crystal & evil eye 14k gold earrings


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These earrings are handcrafted using cubic zirconia evil eye charms and a variety of crystal beads including tibetan quartz, lapis lazuli, amethyst, iolite, aquamarine, and moonstone. The earring wires are handmade & all metal components here (excluding the star and moon charms which are brass) are made of 14k gold fill wire, so they are hypoallergenic and suitable for sensitive ears. These aren't very heavy, but they are 4" long, so make sure you're cool with longer designs before ordering! Wanna find out what they do? Read on...

This stone combination will help you make those tough choices and communicate effectively with others about the fact that you're doing so, and why (if necessary.) Iolite and aquamarine will give you the bravery and direction you need to dive deep within yourself and look right in the face of whatever you find there. Moonstone and amethyst will gently pull you in the direction your highest self is guiding you and away from the well-worn coping mechanisms of your old reality.
You'll be able to see yourself with intense clarity and evaluate your current position in life as well as the other people you're connected to. With that insight you can start to make intentional changes to help your life path look more like you want it to, and decide much easier who has earned access to come with you on this next part of your journey. (The next part is only if you really want to nerd out about the design with me.)

These crystals work from bottom to top. With my earring designs, I typically prefer the vibes to lift towards your ears, third eye & crown chakra rather than downwards. This specific pair starts with cubic zirconia to inspire you to smash any traditions, behavior patterns, or outdated hierarchies in your life and start fresh with a more intentional life. Second I've used moonstone to help illuminate where the work needs to be done and reveal anything you've been neglecting, ignoring, or hiding. Next is aquamarine (essentially your scuba gear and oxygen tank) and iolite (your light source,) both bolstering you and preparing you for the deep dive into your own shadow. Then, the amethyst, keeping you focused on growth and ascension and making it easier for you to avoid the things that bring you comfort even though they're stagnant and not helpful any longer. Lapis lazuli is resurfacing, a breath of fresh air, and a bigger picture look at your entire life now that you've gone through all the tiny details and cleaned house. Tibetan quartz tops this design off with an element of peaceful, content connection and a reminder that you can always tap into the wisdom of your higher self and go where they're pointing you. These earrings are an entire emotional journey & release crafted into a single design. Expect similar effects when you wear them ;)



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